martes, 23 de marzo de 2010


Spanish Pavilion in collaboration with Aurofilm  
present in Auroville

the 5th Spanish Film Festival in India,

Sunday 21 March, Sri Aurobindo Auditorium, Bharat Nivas

with presence and participation of the director of Casa de la India,
the director of Valladolid Film Festival, Spanish film directors and actors

16.00 PETIT INDI (LITTLE INDI) Spain, 2009 - Directed by Marc RECHA

With: Marc Soto (Arnau), Eulalia Ramón Sole (as Eulàlia Ramon), Sergi López (Oncle Ramon),
Eduardo Noriega (Sergi), Pere Subirana (Aranya)
Synopsis: Arnau is a young man living an imaginary life submerged in a frail reality slowly
and unconsciously moving adrift.
His traveling companions are a few songbirds: Finches, greenfinches, nerds and a
Goldfinch which is his hope in life. None sing like him thanks to painstaking
labor and minute training.  Nonetheless, Arnau lives barely breathing because
something more intense devour his heart.  His mother is in the jail of Vad-Ras
waiting judgment and things are not improving. This your man that lives with his
sister Sole in a neighborhood of Barcelona seeing rapid changes is always
daydreaming and spends his afternoons with his brother Sergi. He goes with his uncle
Ramon to the dog races of La Meridiana and develops a plan to get his mother out of
her problems.  It is a decision that will catapult him to a hard reality.
-Actress Eulalia Ramón will be present

18.00 TODOS ESTAMOS INVITADOS (ALL ARE INVITED) - By Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón

With: Adolfo Fernández, Alberto Berzal, Iñaki Miramón, José Coronado, Juanlu Escudero
Synopsis: Spain. The Basque Country, sometime during the 90s. Josu Jon, a handsome and noble looking young fellow -member of a terrorist organization- has been wounded in a shooting with the Guardia Civil. A bullet has reached his left brain hemisphere resulting in an almost complete memory loss. He is under treatment in a prison hospital, as he awaits his trial. He is not too sure about who he is... The film won the Special Jury Prize at the Festival de Málaga.
- Actor Jose Coronado will be present.

(Please see details in the Intranet Calendar)
* Children above 12.

 We will finish the event at Visitors Center around 9 pm where will be a
JAM SESSION with Spanish and Aurovilians musicians.